Friday, October 2, 2009

Business Continuation / Protection Insurance

If you are like most business owners then you are not carrying the proper coverage to ensure your business can survivie beyond a sustained loss!

The U.S. Fire Administration and National Fire Protection Association statistics indicate that up to 130,000 business related structures suffer fire damage every year. About one structure every 5 minutes. Approximately 25 - 33 % of those business' either never reopen or close shortly after they reopen. The reason is they didn't have Business Income Protection.

Without income no business can survive long. Business Income and extra expense coverage are the most important property coverages an insured can buy.

Is your business protected? Would you have enough coverage if you were to suffer a loss.

For a free review and quote you can contact MJF at 866-983-8726
or e mail us at

We also offer the online Defensive Driver classes for NY and NJ drivers