Friday, November 26, 2010


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Affordable Dental Insurance

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Return of The Barbershop to N.Y.C.

NYTimes: The Barbershop Renaissance
MJF has a great barbetshop program. Contact us for your insurance quote. or
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NYC Cabbies Getting New Dress Code Law

NYTimes: Administration Is Bracing for Setbacks to Health Law
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V.H.F. Radio Could Provide Best Safety Option on The Ocean
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Hagerty Antique and Classic Auto Insurance Quotes

If you are a car collector you have invested a great deal of time and money into maintaining your prized posession. That's why you go to Hagerty to insure your cars. Hagerty offers agreed value coverage which means they pay what its worth or valued at. Other carriers pay on stated value which usually doesn't meet the true value at a time of loss.
M.J.F understands the passion you have for your Antique vehicles and that's why you we teamed with Hagerty to protect your vehicle.

With M.J.F. you can go to our website and quote your policy online with an option to bind coverage or contact us to provide that quote for you! Visit our website at to get your quote today. We are licensed in N.Y., N.J, P.A.,C.T. FL. & S.C.
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Let Us Insure Your Watercraft!

# Watercraft quotes for Charter Boats, Charter Fishing, Yachts,Passenger Vessels, (cont)
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We Can Insure Your Trucking Fleet.

Bring us your trucking risk! Let us use our independence to get you the best coverage & premium available # (cont)
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Know Your Stuff - Register your Assetts in Case of a Loss

What happens after a fire? Did you filli out a "Know Your Stuff" inventory? It can save you thousands.
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M.J.F. is A Travelers Agency - Independent Insurance Agency

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Get Your Prepaid Visa Debit Card

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NetSpend Prepaid Debit Visa Card is easy to apply for and in your hands in 7 days. You can go to read more (cont)
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Now Offering The Florida Online Boating Safety Course

We were approved as a reseller for the Florida online Boating Safety Course. For more information on the course and to enroll please follow this link.

This Florida boating safety course meets the State of Florida’s requirement for basic boater safety education. When you successfully complete the course and exam online, you will receive a course completion certificate by mail and we will automatically report your completion to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for issuance of your Boater Safety Education I.D. Card if you are covered by Florida’s mandatory boater education law.

Florida Boating Safety – Educational Requirements
Florida Boating Safety Educational Requirements were updated January 1, 2010. This update requires boat operators who were born on or after January 1, 1988 to obtain a Florida Boating Safety Education Identification Card in order to operate a motorboat with ten horsepower or more.

The requirements to take an approved boating safety course and to obtain a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) issued identification card are the same, but the age threshold for the educational requirements is now based on whether or not you were born on or after January 1, 1988. For more information, visit

Florida Boating License
The state of Florida does not have a “boating license”. The FWC issued Boating Safety Identification Card is proof that you succesfully completed the online boating course. This card is valid for life.

Florida Boating Course – More Information
This course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and is recognized by the United States Coast Guard.

By successfully completing this approved basic boating safety education course you may qualify for reduced boat insurance premiums. Please contact your insurance company to see if you qualify for a reduction in your premiums based on your completion of this course.

Those receiving boating citations from law enforcement may be required to take a safe boating course. However, this must be a classroom boater education course -- The online course does not meet this requirement.

Copy and paste this link into your browser or click on link at the top of the page

We are licensed in the State of Florida to write insurance. Please keep us in my to insure your boat or any of your other insurance needs.