Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Protect Your Most Important Assett!

If you are like most people they are concerned about protecting their assetts, you usually want to protect your home, cars and other valuable assetts. What most people negect to realize is that the most important assett is your income or ability to earn and maintaina style of living you have become accustomed too.

Therefore, the most important policy you should own is a disability policy. This will provide you with a substantial amount of replacement income in case you are unable to work due to illness or injury. Not having this coverage can be a financial disaster if not in place when an illness or injury prevents you from working.

For more information you can visit our website and request a quote online at www.mjfinsuranceagency.com or call us at 866-983-8726.

M.J.F. Insurance Opens New Agency, Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc.

M.J.F. Insurance founders John R. Chumenti and Michael J. Fusco open a second insurance agency. Our new agency, Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc..

The new entity will focus on Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Longevity Planning and Group Benefits. Our goal is to help our clients with wealth preservation and providing solutions to meet future financial goals.

For more information on Chumenti & Fusco's services and how we can assist you, call us at 866-983-8726.