Friday, December 3, 2010

New Jersey Thunder Motorsports - Hot Rod Events, Monster Trucks, Motocross

New Jersey Thunder Motorsports - Hot Rod Events, Monster Trucks, Motocross

Terry's Top 10: Best things to do in December on the Grand Strand - Myrtle Beach Blog - Myrtle Beach, SC

Terry's Top 10: Best things to do in December on the Grand Strand - Myrtle Beach Blog - Myrtle Beach, SC

New health insurance credit for S.C. companies | McClatchy

New health insurance credit for S.C. companies | McClatchy

Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance Coming - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento This is the Second Story I Have Seen Recently On This Type of Plan

Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance Coming - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Port Authority rule forces truckers to replace aging trucks in effort to reduce emissions |

Port Authority rule forces truckers to replace aging trucks in effort to reduce emissions |

Workers Comp Kit Blog Workers Blog Archive » Florida Workers Compensation Basics 101

Workers Comp Kit Blog Workers Blog Archive » Florida Workers Compensation Basics 101

III - Smoke Detector Safety

III - Smoke Detector Safety

III - Fire

III - Fire

III - Identity Theft

III - Identity Theft

Contact M.J.F. About Identity Theft Coverage

Commercial Insurance Policy Financing in N.Y. As Low as 9% A.P.R. on Most Risks

If you are financing a commercial insurance policy in New York State, you are probably paying too much interest. Contact us today and let us finance your commercial insurance policy, whether its a new policy or upon renewal. We can finance as low as 9% annually in most cases. All we need is a copy of the new or renewal premium and your decleration page. Your paperwork can be faxed to M.J.F. Insurance Agency at 866-456-7905 and request that the information is being provided for a finance agreement quote. Our phone number is
866-983-8726 for additional information.