Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Admitted Standalone Canine Legal Liability Insurance Now Offered in N.Y.

M.J.F. can now offer Canine Legal Liability Insurance.

Provides liability and medical payments coverage for bodily injury and property damage caused by an elidgible dog owned by the insured.

Fills the gap caused by dog liability exclusions found in many personal lines policies.

Provides worldwide protection with $100,000 combined single limit and a $500 deductible

Offer a multi dog discount, limited to two dogs

For more information and a quote call M.J.F. Insurance at 866-983-8726

No License / No Permit - Should I Be Charged Additional Premium For My 16 Year Old

I recently read a story about a company that charged additional premium for a 16 year old who did not hold a learners permit and obviously is an unlicensed driver.

Under typical rules you should not be charged for a youthful driver unless they are a resident of the household and operate a vehicle. Youths who are not licensed or operating an auto under a learners permit cannot be an operator of an auto and should not be rated on the policy until they obtain a a learners permit or become licensed.

Online 6 Hour Defensive Driver Training Class For N.Y. and N.J. Drivers

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class

Price just reduced to $40!

M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.
New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

Cyber Criminals Targeting Small Businesses

According to Michael Merrritt, Assistant Director of the U.S. Secret Services office of Investigations, cyber criminals are increasingly targeting small and medium sized businesses that don't have the ability to keep updating computer security.

Merritt, in testimony prepared for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, said that as larger companies have taken on more sophisticated computer network protection, cyber criminals have adapted and gone after the smaller businesses that do not have such high level security.

M.J.F. offers coverage for such events at a very reasonable premium. For more information please call M.J.F at 866-983-8726. We are licensed in NY, NJ,CT,Pa and Fla.

Texting While Driving New Concern For Employers

Employers are concerned that they may be held liable for accidents caused by their employees while drivng and conducting work related conversations on cell phones. Under the doctrine of vicarious responsibility the employer can be held liable for negligent acts of their employees committed in the course of employment.

Employers can also be held accountable if they do not have a policy in place for safe use of cell phones. It has become more common for employers to put into action a cell phone policy to protect the business from potential liability. Some of these policies allow the use of cell phones as long as the employee pulls over to the side of the road or into a parking lot. While other policy mahe workers prohibit the use of cell phones altogether in the work vehicle.

This information was recently released from the Insurance Information Institute.