Friday, August 20, 2010

NY & NJ Online Defensive Driver Courses - American Safety Council / MJF Insurance

M.J.F. offers online driver training courses. These courses qualify you for insurance discounts and a reduction of points on your drivers license, REMOVES UP TO 4 POINTS.

Please check with your insurance carrier in N.J. to verify your benefit.

In N.Y. you receive a 10% discount on your premium and up to 4 points removed off your license.

Courses Offered:  30 Days to complete the class,
                            Electronically reported to D.M.V. within 24 hours,
                            Receive your certificate in approximately 7 days via mail
                            100% ONLINE, NO EXAMS!

N.Y. ONLINE Defensive Drivers Course:  Course fee is $27 with promotional code NYP4BE67

N.J. ONLINE Deefensive Driver Discount Course:  Course fee is $32

N.J. ONLINE Mature Driver Insurance Discount Class:  Must be over age 50, Course fee is $19.95

you can acces class through