Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coverage to Protect Your Business on the Rainiest of Days

Accidents happen - so savvy small-business owners plan for the unexpected by purchasing business umbrella insurance.

A business umbrella policy provides additional protection above and beyond the basics.It’s different from a standard business liability policy that protects you up to a given amount.
For example, if your current liability policy provides $1 million of protection but you were successfully sued for more, the umbrella policy would cover the additional amount up to the policy limit.

Business umbrella policies are an excellent way to provide protection against costly lawsuits resulting from a wide variety of potential threats. Those threats can include things such as:

• Driving accidents that result in multiple claims or extensive types of damage• Professional service errors resulting in inadvertent destruction or corruption of data• Unknown defects in workmanship or other errors that result in multiple lawsuits or claims• Other unanticipated events leading to a loss of life, property damage or other injuries
Many factors are involved in deciding on the appropriate level of business umbrella insurance to purchase, including the amount of existing coverage, industry, profitability and personal assets at stake.

Contact Michael at M.J.F. Insurance to discuss options and obtain a quote for various coverage amounts.

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