Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why Hagerty For Your Classic and Antique Cars?

MJF is an authorized Hagerty Representative. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment please call 866-983-8726. MJF is licensed in five states. NY,NJ,CT,FL,and PA

Hagerty's one-of-a-kind benefits not only set us apart from standard insurance companies, but other specialty companies as well. Each of our policy features is based on our own personal experiences as collectors and on feedback we've received from fellow collectors at hundreds of car show and events all across the country.

Hagerty Collector Auto Policy Features

Low Premiums

Our rates are drastically lower than standard. For example: The standard rate on a '65 Mustang could hit $800/year. Hagerty's average premium on the same car? Just $150. And that's with full coverage - including liability.

Agreed Value Coverage

Better by far than ACV or Stated Value. In case of a total loss, your clients will receive the full amount for which they insured their vehicle.

No Deductible

In most states, your client pays nothing if he/she has a claim with a Hagerty – covered collector vehicle. We do, however, offer deductible options.

Single Liability Charge

No matter how many vehicles on a policy, your clients only pay a single liability charge.

Flexible Usage

Drivers can enjoy their classics with comfortable limits. A Hagerty policy allows for an occasional leisure drive, not just to parades or car events.

Hagerty Plus Membership

Your clients have the opportunity to join the nation's largest community of collector car enthusiasts, enjoy guaranteed flatbed roadside assistance, a quarterly magazine and more. Learn more.

In-House Claims Department

To guarantee every claim is handled by a collector insurance expert, the majority of claims are handled in-house, 7 days a week.

Repair Shop of YOUR Choice

Hagerty clients take their cars to their repair shop of choice.

Restoration Coverage

Protects your client's classic and its increasing value during an active restoration project.

Instant New Purchase Coverage

Unplanned purchases up to $50,000 receive immediate coverage on an existing Hagerty policy.

Business Use Endorsement

Collectors may use their cars for specific business or commercial uses for specified time frames.

Auto Show Medical Reimbursement

Offers predetermined medical coverage for your clients and their families when injured during an auto show or similar car related event.

Overseas Shipping/Foreign Touring Coverage

Hagerty can provide special coverage for vehicle(s) during overseas transit including cargo shipping, foreign liability and property damage. We can also coordinate coverage during your client's stay abroad.

Club Liability Program

Protect a club and its members from potential lawsuits, while enjoying the same great service and low rates enjoyed by all Hagerty clients.

Motorcycle Safety Equipment Coverage

This feature includes coverage of spare parts.

Additional Coverage

Hagerty can provide additional coverage for automobilia (collectible items linked to motor vehicles), automotive tools and spare parts—all items that go hand-in-hand with the collector vehicle hobby.

All coverages are not available in all states. This is only a general description of coverage. All coverage is subject to policy provisions, exclusions, and endorsements.

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