Saturday, November 6, 2010

Underwriting Items Needed To Provide A Quote For Your Commercial Auto Insurance

Maybe you just received your commercial auto policy renewal, perhaps your a new business looking for a quote or just feel its time to see what other carriers are offering?

As an Independent Insurance Agent we require certain information to secure your quote from the carrier.

A) Name of the business
B) Date the business started
C) F.E.I.N. or Federal Tax I.D. Number
D) Copy of your current clear copy of decleration page with pilicy number
E) Preferably time of the quote or at binding typically you need a copy of your 5 Yr loss runs
F) Copy of all vehicle registrations for accurate V.I.N. numbers & list Leinholders for each vehicle
G) Copy of all drivers licenses of those who will be operating vehicles

Keep in mind that this will allow your insurance professional to provide you with a quote much faster if all the submission requirements are provided at inception of the quote process.

It is also important to give your insurance professional ample time to submit and attain quotes from multiple carriers, it is very difficult to provide quotes from all our carriers in one day. In a best case scenario with all the required documentation being collected on the first day we still may require 2 to 5 days to obtain quotes from all our carriers ensuring you get the best available coverage at the best price.

# M.J.F. can write commercial auto for companies with one vehicle with a limited radius up to and including large fleets, buses and even trucks traveling cross country. We even have special cars for hire programs for Yellow, Black and Silver cars.

For more information or a quote you can call us (866) 983-8726
or visit our website at
# Licensed Independent Insurance Broker in NY,NJ,CT,PA,FL & SC

We look forward to helping you with your insurance!

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