Thursday, December 1, 2011

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (E.P.L.I.) What You Need To Know!

E.P.L.I. is an important part of coverage for your business. You are not covered for these claims on you Commercial General Liability policy (C.G.L.) or under your Director & Officers policy (D&O).

E.P.L.I. covers you in the vent of employee related lawsuits and third party coverage can be added to cover vendors, customers, clients and more.

This is a list of some of the claims E.P.L.I. will protect you from:

Wrongful Termination Claims:
More than any other aspect of the employment relationship, the discharge of an employee has the potential to result in litigation. EPLI policies cover claims by former employees alleging that he or she was wrongfully terminated. Some policies also cover claims of "constructive discharge" by employees who claim that they could no longer tolerate the work environment and were compelled to resign or retire.

Discrimination Claims:
Policies can also cover claims by current, former or prospective employees who charge that they were the victim of employment-related discrimination on the basis of any federal, state or local law that prohibits discrimination by employers on the basis of:

Race Sexual Orientation
Color Marital Status
Creed Sex
National Origin Religion
Gender Age
Military Service Disalibity
Pregnancy Handicap

The definition of discrimination can include any future changes in those laws such that any additional categories of discrimination against employees will be included within the coverage afforded by a policy. Claims by employees who charge that they were discriminated against for exercising their rights under worker's compensation, COBRA or other similar laws, can also be covered.

Sexual Harassment:
Coverage for sexual harassment claims against your company, including claims against supervisors and fellow employees, can be included. In addition, the policy can cover all categories of sexual harassment as currently defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Whistleblower Claims:
Policies can also cover claims by employees who charge that they were the subject of an adverse employment decision solely because they disclosed an unfair or illegal practice by the employer. This is one of the few policies to specifically cover whistleblower claims. Sometimes these matters are referred to as "Section 132".

Wage & Hour Claims:
The FLSA sets the minimum wage and maximum hour/overtime requirements. The Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor manages the administration of the FLSA. FSLA actions are frequently NOT covered without specific EPLI insurance policies.

Other Employment-Related Claims:
Other additional causes of action which are alleged in employment litigation, such as libel, slander, or other defamation, invasion of privacy, mental anguish, infliction of emotional distress, loss of consortium, assault, battery, breach of contract, negligent hiring, supervision, promotion or retention in connection with any other employment-related claim, can often be covered.

The premiums for coverage and limits vary but it is relatively reasonable and protects your business from potential damages you could be liable for as a result of being in violation of any of the above named coverages. To request more information you can visit our website and submit a request at or call us at 718-447-6096 or toll free at

M.J.F. is licensed to do business in 7 States NY,NJ,CT,PA,SC,TX & FL

Friday, October 14, 2011

CPR Certification & Recertification 100% Online

You can provide the # Gift of Life # online courses for CPR CERTIFICATION,FIRST AID, (cont)
Shared via TweetCaster'>Tweet from TweetCaster
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Product Offering From MJF

Life Insurance For Diabetics is now a reality. We can offer a policy with no medical or paramed. Contact MJF at our Life & Health Agency.
Or 866-983-8726
E mail
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

New York Online Defensive Driver Course

Save on your auto insurance premiums and remove.up to 4 points off your license.

100% online and 30 days to.complete the course
Unlimited sign ins from any computer with an internet connection.

Certificate will be mailed to you by the American Safety Council and reported to motor vehicles within 48 hours.

There is no exam!

New Jersey Online Defensive Driver & N.J. Mature Driver Course can be accessed on this website.

Florida Boating Safety Course also is accessible online through this website
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Term Life Insurance Policy Offers More Than Term Insurance

Affordable term life insurance is now available with premium waivers for a disability & or unemployment. Guarunteed conversion to any permanent life plan with no medical exam.

For more information and a quote you can e mail us at
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Scout Helps Butterfly Garden Emerge in Staten Island : Scout helps butterfly garden emerge in Westerleigh
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Philidelphia 9 Top Frozen Yogurt Spots

Our Nine Favorite Frozen-Yogurt Spots | mobile
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South Carolina Submits Redistricting Plan to U.S. Justice Dept.

SC submits redistricting plan to US Justice Dept
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South Carolina Unpaid Traffic Ticket Phone Scam

Phone scam using unpaid traffic tickets to target victims
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Updated Web Address to Order Your NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card

We have changed the web address to
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Florida Boat Insurance

M.J.F. Can insure your Florida boat! Go to our website and request your quote today. We represent multiple carriers as an independent insurance agency. In addition, we offer the boat safety course online for Florida boaters. Licensed in NY,NJ,CT,FL.PA,SC
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

M.J.F. insurance Agency is Licensed in Florids

If you live in Florida and are looking for an independent insurance agency for your personal and business insurance needs, we are the agency for you!

Although we are based in New York I travel to Florida to see my in laws. This allows me to stay in touch personally with my clients.

Why put your trust in M.J.F. ? Its because we will remarket your policy annually to make sure you are receiving the best premium for the proper coverage. We will make sure you, your family and your assetts are properly covered at all times!

Request your no obligatiin quote by calling 866_983_8726

Or through one of our websites


We look forward to earning your business!

Michael J Fusco
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

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New York Insurance Quotes

M.J.F Insurance & Chumenti & Fusco Wealth & Health Planning represent multiple carriers for business, auto, home, umbrella, boats, commercial auto, snowmobile, R.V.'s, motorcycles, bonds, workers compensation, D.B.L., retirement planning, estate planning, pension rollovers, payroll services, group health, group benefits and more!

As an independent insurance agency licensed in six states, we can find the coverage you need at the best premium available. We write in NY, NJ, CT, PA, SC & FL.

Visit one of our websites:

We can also be found on Twitter, Linked In and Facebook

Check out our online classes for
C.P.R Certification valid nationwide, O.S.H.A. Safety courses valid nationwidr, Florida Boating Course,
Defensive Driver Courses for NY, NJ & FL. All courses available on our websites.

Call us to enroll for your NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card or your insurance questions. We welcome the opportunity to serve you!

Quotes can also be requested through our websites 24/7.

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Gateway Picnic to Honor Firt Responders : Gateway picnic to honor veterans, first responders
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Friday, July 1, 2011

ProCPR - Healthcare Provider (BLS) Adult, Child, and Infant CPR/AED

Enroll today for your online certification course in C.P.R., Bloodborne Patheogen, First Aid, Pro Home Safety. Recertification can also be done through our C.P.R. courses

Use discount Code CPR-1865 when enrolling

ProCPR - Healthcare Provider (BLS) Adult, Child, and Infant CPR/AED

Online CPR Certification Fully Accredited & Valid Nationwide

Click on the link below to visit the site and enroll!

Use Discount Code CPR-1865 When Enrolling

Online CPR, CPR Recertifictation, CPR Training - Home
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Order Your NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card From MJF

Looking for a prepaid debit card? Look no further, use our link below to order your card today. M.J.F. provides many products and services. Offering the card allows our unbanked clients to pay their insurance and other bills via credit card. Why not enroll with the best if your in need of a prepaid card?


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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Online Defensive Driver Course For NY & NJ Drivers - Florida Boat Safety Online Course

M.J.F. offers NY & NJ drivers the opportunity to take the online driver safety courses. You can reduce your auto premiums (10% in NY & in NJ it varies by carrier). In addition you can remove up to 4 points off your driving record
(Check with D.M.V for your states point reduction).

Florida boarded are required to pass the Florida Boating Safety Course. This course is also offered through the same link.

We are licensed to sell insurance in NY, NJ, CT, PA, SC & FL
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Down the Shore: Fireworks, Concerts, Boat Races - Berkeley, NJ Patch

N.J. Shore to Have Fireworks, Concerts, Boat Races & More This Summer

Down the Shore: Fireworks, Concerts, Boat Races - Berkeley, NJ Patch

M.J.F. Can insure your special event,recreational vehicles and much more. Visit our website to see a listing of the types of insurance we can provide for you or your business.

Seat belt law exempts antique cars

Seat Belt Law Exempts Antique Cars
Seat belt law exempts antique cars

Contact MJF for your Antique / Collector Car Insurance Quote!
Quote and bind through our website

Saturday, April 2, 2011

M.J.F. Provides Business Owners Insurance Premium Savings

In the month of March M.J.F. provided business owners with some much needed relief on insurance premiums. Our agency has no limits on the size and types of businesses we can write. Through our membership in the S.I.A.A. we were able to provide top rated carriers quotes to our insureds and provide substantial savings to the business owners while maintaining or raising their liability limits.

Our pay as you go workers compensation plans have also been a huge success. These plans allow you to start with a much lower deposit and pay on actual payroll and not estimated. This means their is no audit needed at year end because you cannot overpay or underpay your premium. In most cases we also provided the payroll services at little or no cost to the business owner and were better able to manage the pay as you go workers compensation program.

M.J.F. can provide a business insurance review. Once we collect the relative data to underwrite we can provide competitive quotes to help you potentially reduce your premiums without sacraficing coverages. We can be reached on the web at or toll free at 866-983-8726.

We can write in NY,NJ,CT,PA,FL & SC

Helpling People Save Money On Their Auto & Homeowners Insurance

Last week M.J.F. provided insureds over $6,000 in savings on auto and homeowners premiums. This group also included saving a couple $920 in annual savings on their auto policy and a over $3,000 in annual savings on another 2 car risk. On average we save our homeowners an average of $250-350 annually.

See how M.J.F. can save you on your auto and homeowners insurance by visiting one of our websites or or we can also be reached toll free by calling 866-983-8726 to request a quote.

We are licensed in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, South Carolina and Florida

M.J.F. Membership In S.I.A.A. Provides The Ability To Quote With Multiple Carriers And Provides Our Insureds Premium Savings

M.J.F. is an independent insurance agency located in Staten Island, New York and licensed in N.Y., N.J.,CT.,FL.,PA. & S.C.

Through our membership in the S.I.A.A. we represent many national carriers which in turn allow us to provide you with quotes from multiple carries for all your insurance needs.

Our company does all the legwork for the insured so you don't have to call multiple carriers to find the best premium available. Whether your looking to just compare your current premium and coverages or being non renewed you can count on M.J.F. to find the policy that's right for you!

M.J.F can insure you Home,Auto,Boat,Yacht, Motorcycle, R.V.,Antique Car Insurance, Business, General Liability, Umbrella, Excess, Workers Compensation, Vacant Building,Garagekeepers, Dealers Open Lot, Heavy Machinery, Fleets, Life, Health Annuities, I.R.A., Group Health, Voluntary Benefits, Estate Planning and Long Term Care. We can provide you with a review of your current coverages and a quote.

We also offer online defensive driver courses for New York and New Jersey, Online Florida Boating Safety Course, Online Florida Driver Courses,the Online C.P.R. Certification and we are an authorized NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card Representative.

M.J.F. offers Bank products through Metlife Bank

Mortgages through Homeowners Affordable Solutions also at our location
(1865 Clove Road)

Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Longevity Planning & Group Benefits
through Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc (1865 Clove Road)

Accounting offered through Chumenti Accounting (1865 Clove Road)

Our phone numbers are
M.J.F - 866-983-8726
Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc 718-667-5371 or 866-983-8726
Homeowners Affordable Solutions 866-983-8726
Chumenti Accounting 718-447-1392

You can visit our Website to request info on any of our products

Call us to initiate your free analysis and start saving today

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Protect Your Most Important Assett!

If you are like most people they are concerned about protecting their assetts, you usually want to protect your home, cars and other valuable assetts. What most people negect to realize is that the most important assett is your income or ability to earn and maintaina style of living you have become accustomed too.

Therefore, the most important policy you should own is a disability policy. This will provide you with a substantial amount of replacement income in case you are unable to work due to illness or injury. Not having this coverage can be a financial disaster if not in place when an illness or injury prevents you from working.

For more information you can visit our website and request a quote online at or call us at 866-983-8726.

M.J.F. Insurance Opens New Agency, Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc.

M.J.F. Insurance founders John R. Chumenti and Michael J. Fusco open a second insurance agency. Our new agency, Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc..

The new entity will focus on Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Longevity Planning and Group Benefits. Our goal is to help our clients with wealth preservation and providing solutions to meet future financial goals.

For more information on Chumenti & Fusco's services and how we can assist you, call us at 866-983-8726.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Healthcare Planning and the New Reality

Stay Up On The Latest News On Our Blog About Healthcare Planning!

More articles will be posted due to the formation of Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc

Healthcare Planning and the New Reality

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Technology Classes That M.J.F.'s Carriers Can Write

In this technoligical age we realize that there are many companies that are looking for a carrier that specializes in these type of coverages. M.J.F. has access to a carrier who understands the industry and its needs. If you operate one of these organizations then you should call M.J.F to discuss our niche program. We will design a plan that fits your unique needs based on the work that you perform.

Computer Consultants
Computer Training
Computer Facilities Management
Life Science & Biotechnology Consultants Office
Computer Hardware Consultants Office
Computer Software Consultants Office
Telecommunications Consultant Office
Information Technology Consultants Office
Custom Computer Programming
Data Processing Services, Hosting & Related Services
Packaged Software Development
Internet Service Providers
Web Search Portals
Website Design
Computer System Integrators
Software Research & Development - No Products
Information Technology Staffing
Personal Computer Repair & Maintenance
Optical Instruments & Lens Manufacturers
Computer Manufacturing
Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing
Radio & TV Broadcasting & Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
Sound Equipment Manufacturing
Audio & Video Equipment Manufacturing
Printed Circuit Assembly
Camera & Photo Equipment (No Lenses) Manufacturing
Computer Storage Device Manufacturing
Computer Terminal Manufacturing
Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
Cable TV Equipment Manufacturing
Home Entertainment Equipment Manufacturing
Electronic Part & Equipment Wholesalers

M.J.F. is an independent insurance agency, let our independence work for you!
Licensed in NY, NJ,CT FL,PA & SC

A List of Some Hard To Place Risks That MJF Can Write

Commercial Auto

Tow Trucks
Household Movers
Sand & Gravel
Crane Program

Other Classifications

Alarm Installers
Bars & Taverns
Bed & Breakfasts
Catering Halls
Day Nursery / Preschool
Exercise / Health Clubs
Flea Markets
Foreclosue / Eviction Cleanup
Golf & Mini Golf
Hotel / Motel
Liquor Liability
Pawn Shops
Private Detective
Push Cart / Street Vendor
Sports Camp
Tech or Trade Schools
Home Healthcare
Imaging Centers
Message Therapy
Medical Spa's
Nursing Homes
Physical Therapy
Rehab Facilities
Temp. Medical Staffing

Contact us today for more information and a no obligation quote!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

M.J.F. Offers Coverage For Boats, Hotels, Motels, Bed & Breakfasts and Inns

M.J.F. has recently added new carriers in NY,NJ,PA,CT, SC & FL.

Those new relationships have given us access to niche carriers catering to boat owners, hotel, motel, bed & breakfasts and Inns.

Our goal is to become a premier provider to these boat and business owners. Our carriers will offer coverage regardless of size.

In addition to these coverages for our hotel owners, we can also help you with your employee benefits package, group life, disability, workers compensation, commercial general liability, excess liability,liquor liability employment practices liability and commercial auto's.

We are a full service agency!

Contact us today for a comparison quote.

866-983-8726 or on the web at
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Morey's Pier Help's Wilwood N.J. Schools Raise Funds

Wildwood 365: Morey's Piers introduces School FUNd Raiser Program
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Get Your NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card


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Monday, January 24, 2011

The Importance of Long Term Care Insurance

A breif explanation why planning and Long Term Care are important elements of your life. Long Term care will allow you to maintain your independence and possibly remain in your own home, not a nursing home. Contact us today for more information.

Click on The Importance Of Planning below
The Importance of Planning

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Michael J. Fusco & John R. Chumenti Branch Out From Chumenti Accounting & M.J.F. Insurance and Create Chumenti & Fusco Wealth $ Health Planning, Inc.

Michael J. Fusco and John R. Chumenti have opened up Chumenti & Fusco Health $ Wealth Planning, Inc..

Together they will bring their tax and insurance expertise to help clients plan for retirement, longevity and estate planning.

John R. Chumenti has over 25 years in accounting, retirement and estate planning. Michael J. Fusco has over 20 years providing insurance and retirement products for his clients.

For a consultation you can reach us at
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

'Biggest Loser' Frado backs free Staten Island Slim Down program that offers coaching and fitness classes, dangles 1G prize |

Slim Down Effort Gets Major Endorsement from N.Y.C. Councilman James Oddo and Fredo "Biggest Loser"

M.J.F. Insurance Client Fresh Grill Delivery Service of Staten Island, also provides the nutritional meals that could help one lose weight by providing all natural servings. Each meal is individually prepared based on each persons needs on individual basis and delivers those meals homes daily.

'Biggest Loser' Frado backs free Staten Island Slim Down program that offers coaching and fitness classes, dangles 1G prize |

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let M.J.F. Insurance Agency's Independence Work For You!

As an Independent Insurance Agency we offer you access to multiple insurance carriers. Whether you are looking to insure your business or to insure you, your family or personal assetts, we can help. We do all the legwork for you.

M.J.F. is licensed in N.Y.,N.J., C.T.,FL.,PA. & S.C.

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Automobile Breakdown Coverage - For N.Y. Only

Has you factory warranty expired, experiencing more frequent visits to your mechanic?

We offer an extended vehicle warranty with 3 types of plans. Regardless of which plan you choose you still use your own mechanic. The plan will pay your mechanic for the repair!

Purchase your warranty and pay the full annual premium either by credit card or cash and we will give you a discount of $125 off your premium.
Must purchase by February 1,2011.
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New York, New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Courses

Want to reduce your auto insurance premiums? Now you can do so from your own home. 100% online and 30 days to complete the course. Access from any computer with an internet connection.

In N.Y. 10% premium reduction and it removes up to 4 points off your license. You can retake the course every 3 years.

In N.J. the discounts vary by carrier and you can remove 2 points from your license.

Course reports to D.M.V. within 48 hours of completion.

Course offered in conjunction with the American Safety Council.

Visit our website at or

Online Florida Boating Safety Course also offered on our

O.S.H.A. Safety Online Courses also available through M.J.F at

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Dog Bite Insurance for N.Y. Pet Owners

Call today if you have a dog not trained to attack and not a guard dog! We can offer you a $100,000 insurance policy to protect your assetts.
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Business Succession Planning For The Business Owner

Every business owner faces risk! Therefore there are several key questions that need to be answered if you own your own business.

Do you have a properly designed Buy-Sell Agreement. In other words have you put in place an agreement if one of the partners or co-owners was to leave due to death,disability or retirement. If you do then how is it being funded at this time? If not it might be wise to visit an attorney to formulate the agreement and then decide how it will be funded. Life insurance can provide a buyout fund when an event takes place.

Are there any business loans and are they personally guarunteed?

Most business loans require a personal guaruntee.These loans should also be backed with a life insurance policy and or a disability to cover the outstanding debt to have the peace of mind that the loan will be paid in the event of an event of death or disability.

Do you have enough funds set aside for the business to pay you a salary if you are beset by a prolonged illness and what will your absence mean to the business. Are you the key employee? Can you afford to find a replacement?

Who are the employees that you rely on or are the most valuable to your business? Can your business continue to maintain its current level of production or would it suffer without these employees?

Have you considered being what those employees mean to your business and considered additional incentives to retain their services? They may be the key the the business succeeding if you are unable to work or in the event of death allowing your family to continue managing the business because of your advanced planning.

If you have not prepared for any of these situations you may want to think about what it means to you and your family if your not prepared. You can continue your business and provide you and your family the ability to maintain your current lifestyle and independence.

Talk to your independent agent to set up your business succession plan today.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Listing of Some of the Insurance Carriers M.J.F. Represents




Advantages of Enrolling For Your Free NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card Through M.J.F.

If you don't have a credit card or a bank account and you live in a cash only world the card can be just the answer for you. To receive the card we need to provide a sociol security number or government document as listed on our website enrollment form.

This is not a credit card and therefore there are no credit checks to obtain a card. The card can be used to shop, pay bills onlineor over the phone where cash is not accepted.

NetSpend offers 3 different plans and they can save you money!

Bank & Cash Customers

Cash Customers can't take advantage of any E.F.T. Discounts

Bank Customers overdraw & are charged $20 per NSF

Cash Customer has to drive to cash their check, waits in line and drives to my agency to pay their premiums and other bills

Cash Customer pay a fee between 1 -4 % check cashing fee

Cash Customer may need to purchase a money order to pay multiple bills

NetSpend Cardholder

Use EFT / ACH payments to pay insurance premiums to receive EFT discount

No NSF's as you can only spend what you have loaded on the card

Receive funds through direct deposit or by loading cash

No check cashing fees, saving money if enrolled in direct deposit

Make payments over the phone or ACH from the card and save on money orders

Funds are FDIC insured!

Optional Features of the Card

Free 5.00% APY Savings Plan

Money management Tools

Ability to set up automatic payments with Bill Pay

Free anytime alerts

Person to person transfers

With Direct Deposit you will enjoy quicker access to the funds and Life Benefits

Enroll today on our website or

You can receive your card within 7-10 business days
Have access to over 100,000 load locations

why not start by loading your tax refund on the card, no more waiting in lines, no check cashing fees, government gives EFT / ACH a higher priority for tax refunds over cutting paper checks.

The NetSpend Prepaid Debit Visa Card if Free just for enrolling through our websites

Michael Fusco
M.J.F. Insurance Agency
Authorized NetSpend Representative

Monday, January 10, 2011

M.J.F. Now Has Carriers For All Your Commercial Auto Insurance Needs!

Effective immediately, M.J.F. is rolling out it's enhanced line of carriers for commercial vehicles in the States of NY,NJ,CT,FL,PA & SC. We now have 8 carriers willing to write your business automobiles and trucks regardless of size and on a monoline basis.

Landscapers, general contractors,remodeling and repairing contractors,heavy construction contractors, paving contractors, road building contractors,grading contractors, trenching & underground contractors, special trade, heating contractors, sheet metal work contractors,plumbing contractors,mechanical contractors, air conditioning contractors and systems,ventilating contractors, electric contractors, masonary contractors, drywall contractors, insulation contractors cold & heat, roofing contractors, siding contractors, courier services, stucco contractors,excavating contractors, foundation contractors, demolition contractors, fence contractors, rigging contractors, millwrighting contractors, service vehicles for crain & oil field, marble contractors equipment & supplies manufacturer, dry wall contractors equipment & supplies,contracting equipment and supplies that are rented, decorating contractors for parties & conventions, contractors - engineering general, appliance distributor, beverage distributor, food distributors, florists, caterers, pool maintenance & repair, logging contractors and more!

Request Your Quote Today! or 866-983-8726

Only classes not elidgible are Public Auto, Emergency Vehicles & School Buses