Wednesday, October 28, 2009

M.J.F. Offers Online Safety Classes

M.J.F. is pleased to announce that it now offers the 6 Hour Defensive Driver Training Class for N.Y. and N.J. Drivers. Please visit our website for more information or to enroll

OSHA SAFETY 10 AND 30 Hour classes also available. Approved nationwide!

for more information or to enroll

Some great things going on at M.J.F.!

We now offer the online defensive driver 6 hr safety class which qualifies NY drivers for 10% off their auto premiums and removes up to 4 points. You have 30 days to complete at your convenience from any computer. N.J. drivers also can take the class on this site also.

The second classs we offer online is the OSHA Safety Training.
For those who require authorization to get on to a job site, want to advance your career or want to keep you and your employees safe, we can help. Our extensive range of online OSHA training will get you to where you want to be. We offer the OSHA 10-Hour and 30-Hour Outreach Training courses for both Construction and General Industry. Plus, you can take the OSHA 510 or 511 courses if you are interested in becoming an authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer. These courses are the prerequisites to the OSHA 500 and 501 Train-the-Trainer courses.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Admitted Standalone Canine Legal Liability Insurance Now Offered in N.Y.

M.J.F. can now offer Canine Legal Liability Insurance.

Provides liability and medical payments coverage for bodily injury and property damage caused by an elidgible dog owned by the insured.

Fills the gap caused by dog liability exclusions found in many personal lines policies.

Provides worldwide protection with $100,000 combined single limit and a $500 deductible

Offer a multi dog discount, limited to two dogs

For more information and a quote call M.J.F. Insurance at 866-983-8726

No License / No Permit - Should I Be Charged Additional Premium For My 16 Year Old

I recently read a story about a company that charged additional premium for a 16 year old who did not hold a learners permit and obviously is an unlicensed driver.

Under typical rules you should not be charged for a youthful driver unless they are a resident of the household and operate a vehicle. Youths who are not licensed or operating an auto under a learners permit cannot be an operator of an auto and should not be rated on the policy until they obtain a a learners permit or become licensed.

Online 6 Hour Defensive Driver Training Class For N.Y. and N.J. Drivers

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class

Price just reduced to $40!

M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.
New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

Cyber Criminals Targeting Small Businesses

According to Michael Merrritt, Assistant Director of the U.S. Secret Services office of Investigations, cyber criminals are increasingly targeting small and medium sized businesses that don't have the ability to keep updating computer security.

Merritt, in testimony prepared for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, said that as larger companies have taken on more sophisticated computer network protection, cyber criminals have adapted and gone after the smaller businesses that do not have such high level security.

M.J.F. offers coverage for such events at a very reasonable premium. For more information please call M.J.F at 866-983-8726. We are licensed in NY, NJ,CT,Pa and Fla.

Texting While Driving New Concern For Employers

Employers are concerned that they may be held liable for accidents caused by their employees while drivng and conducting work related conversations on cell phones. Under the doctrine of vicarious responsibility the employer can be held liable for negligent acts of their employees committed in the course of employment.

Employers can also be held accountable if they do not have a policy in place for safe use of cell phones. It has become more common for employers to put into action a cell phone policy to protect the business from potential liability. Some of these policies allow the use of cell phones as long as the employee pulls over to the side of the road or into a parking lot. While other policy mahe workers prohibit the use of cell phones altogether in the work vehicle.

This information was recently released from the Insurance Information Institute.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Business Continuation / Protection Insurance

If you are like most business owners then you are not carrying the proper coverage to ensure your business can survivie beyond a sustained loss!

The U.S. Fire Administration and National Fire Protection Association statistics indicate that up to 130,000 business related structures suffer fire damage every year. About one structure every 5 minutes. Approximately 25 - 33 % of those business' either never reopen or close shortly after they reopen. The reason is they didn't have Business Income Protection.

Without income no business can survive long. Business Income and extra expense coverage are the most important property coverages an insured can buy.

Is your business protected? Would you have enough coverage if you were to suffer a loss.

For a free review and quote you can contact MJF at 866-983-8726
or e mail us at

We also offer the online Defensive Driver classes for NY and NJ drivers

Monday, September 28, 2009

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Training Class

NY and NJ Online Defensive Driver Safety Training Class

Online Defensive Driver Classes For N.Y.&; N.J. Drivers

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class
M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.
New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

Defensive Driver Class Could Help Teen Drivers

Parents beware: Giving in to teens' demands for their own cars can have dangerous consequences, new research suggests.

Teenagers with their own cars or free use of one are much more likely to get in crashes than those who share a car. And crashes are much less common among teens whose parents set clear driving safety rules.

The findings are in two studies by researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and funded by State Farm Insurance Co. They are in the October issue of Pediatrics.

The researchers say the findings can help parents keep their kids from becoming a grim statistic: Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens, killing more than 5,000 each year.

Getting a driver's license and car are often viewed as rite of passage for U.S. teens, and many parents underestimate the risks.

More than 7,000 people nationwide were killed in crashes involving teen drivers in 2007, government data show. More than 3,000 of these deaths were teen drivers, and more than 250,000 teen drivers were injured.

"With teen drivers, you have to recognize that it's a public health issue,'' said Dr. Jeffrey Weiss, a Phoenix pediatrician who co-wrote an American Academy of Pediatrics report on teen drivers.

The 2006 report encourages parents to highlight the seriousness of driving privileges by requiring teens to sign driving contracts promising to abide by safety rules.

The new research shows that kind of hands-on approach pays off.

"Families need to know that driving is different'' from other steps toward independence,said Dr. Flaura Koplin Winston, the study's lead author. "Just at the time their teen is pulling away, they need to get back involved to spare them heartache.''

The research is based on a nationally representative survey of more than 5,500 teens in grades nine through 11. Students at 68 high schools answered questionnaires in 2006.

More than 2,000 students who reported driving on their own were the focus of one study; 70 percent said they had their own cars or were the main drivers of cars they used.

Winston said it's alarming that so many kids have their own cars or feel that they have free use of one. She said that freedom can lead to "a sense of entitlement about driving'' that may make them less cautious.

Among these "main'' drivers, 25 percent had been involved in crashes, versus just 10 percent of teens who shared driving access. Winston said the lower crash rate doesn't reflect less driving time, but is likely due to having to ask for the car keys, which helps parents monitor their kids' driving.

Compared with teens whose parents were uninvolved, kids who said their parents set clear rules and monitored their whereabouts without being overly controlling had half as many crashes and much better driving habits.

These teens were 71 percent less likely to drive while drunk and 30 percent less likely to use a cell phone while driving than kids with uninvolved parents.

Dr. Niranjan Karnik, a University of Chicago specialist in adolescent mental health, said the research underscores the importance of appropriate parenting and widely enacted graduated licensing laws for teens.

Debby Hendricks of Hatfield, Pa. made her daughters wait until age 17 to get their licenses, and gave them lots of driving practice beforehand.

The girls, aged 17 and 19, also share a family car, and can't "just grab the keys and leave'' without saying where they're going and with whom, Hendricks said.

So far so good -- neither girl has been in an accident, although the younger one, Leslie, has only had her license for a few months.

Leslie considers herself a safe driver, but adds, "I probably do underestimate the risks.''

Saturday, September 19, 2009

N.Y. Insurance Regulator Suggests Limiting Moody’s as Rater

N.Y. Insurance Regulator Suggests Limiting Moody’s as Rater

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By Dakin Campbell

Sept. 19 (Bloomberg) -- New York state’s insurance regulator suggested Moody’s Investors Service should have its authorization to rate insurers’ holdings scaled back after the firm declined to attend a public hearing set for next week.

“This is the thing that forces one to ask questions about the role that a company like that can play in our regulatory system,” Hampton Finer, deputy superintendent and chief economist at the New York Insurance Department, said yesterday in a phone interview. “We think there should be discussion about whether Moody’s will have its authorization status going forward or having it curtailed in some fashion.”

Finer said he may advocate that regulators throughout the country rely on Moody’s competitors to rate securities held by insurance companies. Moody’s could lose business if that that happens, he said. Insurers can hold certain securities without explicit regulatory approval if those investments are rated by an authorized firm.

Standard & Poor’s, Fitch Ratings and Dominion Bond Rating Service Ltd. plan to meet next week with U.S. state regulators on the role the firms play in grading the insurers’ fixed-income holdings, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners said in a statement posted on the Web. Moody’s was invited and won’t attend, said Scott Holeman, a spokesman for the NAIC.

Thomas Lemmon, a spokesman for Moody’s, declined to immediately comment. Vanessa Sink, a spokeswoman for the NAIC, declined to discuss Finer’s remarks.

New York’s Role

New York Insurance Superintendent James Wrynn and Michael McRaith of Illinois convened the meeting as heads of a group appointed by the NAIC to evaluate watchdogs’ reliance on the firms. U.S. insurance companies hold about $3 trillion in rated bonds including corporate debt and mortgage-linked bonds.

Regulators use the firms’ ratings as they monitor insurer portfolios to make sure carriers have enough funds to pay claims on policies ranging from mortgage guarantees to earthquake protection.

Moody’s and S&P, both based in New York, have been criticized by investors and lawmakers including Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, who has said the companies wrongly assigned top credit rankings to subprime-mortgage bonds before that market collapsed in 2007.

Standard & Poor’s spokesman David Wargin declined to comment, as did Kevin Duignan, a spokesman at Fitch, and Caroline Creighton, a spokeswoman at DBRS. Fitch is a unit of Paris-based Fimalac SA, S&P is a unit of McGraw-Hill Cos. and Moody’s is a unit of Moody’s Corp.

The hearing is set for Sept. 24 in Maryland. The Securities and Exchange Commission will also participate.

To contact the reporter on this story: Dakin Campbell in San Francisco at

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Metropolitan Auto Insurance

Let MJF quote your auto insurance with Metropolitan! Metropolitan recently revised some of their New York rates and have become more competitive. They offer discounts for electronic fund transfer, applying for a life policy and offer good student discounts if the childs average is at least a B. MJF can also help by taking our ONLINE defensive driver class at

if you are a NY or NJ driver.

MJF is an independent insurance agency with licenses in NY,NJ,CT,FL and PA
1865 Clove Road
S.I.N.Y. 10304

Todays Risks

Today I am working on two new submissions. The first being a funeral parlor and the second a security and consulting firm. Already cleared these through my underwiters but the important details are usually in the supplemental application.

This is what provides the underwriter with the details and procedures of what type of risk exposure the company will be insuring. It will have a major effect on whether or not a risk is accepted or declined. If accepted, it will directly effect the final premium assessed on the risk.

Fortunately, we are in a position where these risks should be underwritten, The security firm was a little more of a concern since it will include alcohol exposure and potentially could have used armed guards. This risk will not use armed guards.

THE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNDERWRITER IS KEY. The broker must always give a clear and precise assessment. If the broker has a good relationship with their underwriters than usuallly more times than not a risk will be placed based on the respect of the brokers knowledge and risk assessment of his cases.This will always carry through no matter which company and / or type of insurance is being underwritten.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My Zimbio
Top Stories

NY and NJ Online Defensive Driver Safety Training Class

Online Defensive Driver Classes For N.Y.&; N.J. Drivers

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class
M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.
New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

The Importance of Life, Disability Insurance & A Will

If your like most of my clients then it's that time of year again. The summer is over and the kids are back in school. This also means that another year is quickly passing us by. It is a time when we reflect on where we have been and where our future may take us.

This is why many of us start to concentrate on our financial responsibilities to our loved ones. It is the time frame where most Americans will be reviewing their life iinsurance and other investments to ensure that their families are secure if something were to seriously change our ability to support our families.  We are referring to a loss of income due to medical reasons or death. It is also wise to have a will in place so that you can control and direct the assetts and care of your children. A will allows the executor to follow through on your wishes and reduces the potential for heirs to fight over those assetts. The executor speaks for the deceased when the deceased can no longer speak for themselves. You maintain direction and control of all your worldly possessions. It allows you be be clear and precise as to how assetts are distributed and leaves no room for misrepresentation.

Most people don't insure themselves for the most likely scenario, disability. However, it is much more likely an injury will prevent us from fully earning an income to support our loved ones rather than death. Business owners also have left themselves unprepared also. If you are a business owner, you should carry Business Overhead Expense Disability, to cover the expenses of running your establishment in the event of disability.
Depending on benefits and waiting periods we can you can set up a plan that could help ou maintain your current standards. It is the time of year to review your insurance and see how you can fully protect yourself in the event of disability or death.

Life insurance plays a crucial role because it provides tax free income to your beneficiary. This allows you to set up an instant nest egg so your loved ones can also maintain your current lifestyle when you can no longer provide for them. You should consider carrying approximately 10 times your salary as well planning for expenses such as education for the children and so forth.

Your insurance agent, broker or accountant can help you assess and  offer solutions as to how much of a benefit you may need to cover your loss of income in either of these events.  Call your independent broker today and set up your policy review to ensure your affairs are in order.

If you are interested in a review please call MJF at 866-983-8726. We are licensed in NY,NJ,CT,FL and PA.. We an provide you with a solution that work best for your individual nand unique needs.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Is Your Homeowners Policy Providing You With The Right Coverage In Case Of A Loss?

September 11, 2009

If your like most homeowners you purchased your homeowners insurance policy when you closed on your home. Unfortunately, the bank holding your mortgage requires you to maintain enough coverage to pay off your loan in the event of a loss. They even go as far as to escrow your premium payment and pay the premium to the insurance carrier annually.

What they don't do is require you to review your policy annually! Most homeowners dont receive any invoices for premium and lets face it, out of sight out of mind. As the years pass the mortgage balance is reduced but the value of your home in most cases appreciate and the cost to replace the home also appreciates.

A homeowners insurance review is very important. Homeowners should make it a point to review their policy to make sure they are not underinsured. The most common reasons for not reviewing your homeowners  insurance is because they are not required by the mortgage lender, don't want to pay an increase in premium or just cannot afford to pay additional premium.

The bank will receive their proceeds from the claim check to satisfy the mortgage, however, will you be able to rebuild your home?

M.J.F. can review your homeowners policy to ensure you are properly insured in case of a loss. You don't want to find out after a loss claim, that you weren't carrying sufficient coverage to replace your home. 

For an insurance review or if you have any questions about your current coverage, M.J.F. can be reached at 866-983-8726. We are licensed in N.Y.,N.J.,PA,CT. and Florida.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Americans Cutting Back on Expenses, But Consider Life Insurance a Must

Americans Cutting Back on Expenses, But Consider Life Insurance a Must

NEWARK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Americans are looking for ways to spend less, but when it comes to life insurance they're holding on to their policies, according to a recent report entitled, The Value of Life in Tough Economic Times issued by Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU)

The study found that 93% of consumers consider life insurance a must. Despite the fact that 70% have cut back on routine expenditures, 84% indicate they view the cost of life insurance as relatively minimal when compared to other items in the household budget.

Life insurance provides peace of mind, which is a valuable asset given today's economic environment, said Jim Avery, president of Prudential's Individual Life Insurance business.

The study also revealed that 95% recognize that life insurance could be significantly more expensive to obtain at an older age and 55% are concerned it could be harder to get coverage due to health conditions. Ask yourself the question: ˜Is my health the same as it was 15, 10 or even 5 years ago?' The answer is very likely to be no, which underscores the reasons for purchasing life insurance earlier rather than later, noted Avery.

Prudential's The Value of Life in Tough Economic Times was conducted in conjunction with the company's sponsorship of Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM.) Held each September, LIAM is an industry-wide effort coordinated by the nonprofit Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education in response to growing concern about the large number of Americans who lack adequate life insurance protection.

This year's spokesperson for Life Insurance Awareness Month is Chris Noth, Sex in the City and Law and Order star. What people may not know is the impact that life insurance had on his life after the sudden death of his father when Chris was 9 years old. A videotaped message of his story can be found on Prudential's website throughout the month of September.

Prudential's The Value of Life in Tough Economic Times is part of a survey entitled Taking a Pulse of American's Changing Life Insurance Needs that was conducted online between June 24 and July 1, 2009. The data was collected for Prudential by MRops, a Pennsylvania based, independent, market research firm.

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU), a financial services leader with approximately $580 billion of assets under management as of June 30, 2009, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Leveraging its heritage of life insurance and asset management expertise, Prudential is focused on helping approximately 50 million individual and institutional customers grow and protect their wealth. The company's well-known Rock symbol is an icon of strength, stability, expertise and innovation that has stood the test of time. Prudential's businesses offer a variety of products and services, including life insurance, annuities, retirement-related services, mutual funds, investment management, and real estate services. For more information call MJF Insurance Agency, Inc. at 866-983-8726. Licensed in NY,NJ,CT,PA and Florida.

2nd Quarter Fixed Annuity Sales Rise

Fixed annuities Second-quarter fixed-annuity sales rose 10% to $27.8 billion, Beacon Research reports

Book-value fixed annuities led the pack with $14 billion, the firm says

Source:By Darla Mercado

August 31, 2009, 12:50 PM EST

Overall sales of fixed annuities hit $27.8 billion during the second quarter, up 10% from a year earlier but down 20% from the first quarter this year, according to data from Beacon Research Publications Inc.

Book-value fixed annuities, which pay a declared rate of interest over a period of time, dominated total sales during the second quarter with an estimated $14 billion in sales, according to the Evanston, Ill., research firm. That was up from $12 billion in the second quarter of 2008.

Index annuity sales hit $8.2 billion, up from $6.9 billion a year earlier.

Market-value-adjusted fixed annuities, which adjust the value of surrenders or withdrawals according to interest rate fluctuations, fell to $3.5 billion, down slightly from $3.6 billion a year earlier. Finally, fixed-income annuities brought in $2.2 billion in sales, up 10% from a year earlier.
New York Life Insurance Co. led its peers as the company with the most in total fixed-annuity sales, jumping from second place in the first quarter. The carrier sold $2.85 billion in fixed annuities.

Aviva USA Corp. of Des Moines, Iowa, climbed to second place, from third, with $1.67 billion in fixed-annuity sales, while Minneapolis-based Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America rounded out the top three with $1.55 billion in total fixed-annuity sales.

The first quarter’s sales leader MetLife Inc. of New York dropped to seventh place with just $950 million in fixed-annuity sales during the second quarter.

New York Life also had the top-selling product, with its NYL Preferred Fixed Annuity, a book-value product. Allianz Life came in second with its index annuity, the MasterDex X, while New York Life was third with the NYL Fixed Annuity, another book-value product.

If you would like more information on fixed annuities call us at M.J.F. Insurance 866-983-8726. M.J.F. is an independent agency and will help you find the best rates for your money with A rated carriers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Insurance - Industry Fee Proposed

Insurance-industry fee proposed

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Max Baucus yesterday pushed a new health-care plan that includes an industry fee to help pay for covering the uninsured.

Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is part of a six-member bipartisan group trying to craft a bill satisfactory to both parties, and the group is set to meet today as Congress returns from its August recess.

It's unclear whether the fee, designed to create competition in the insurance market, would satisfy two Republicans in the group: Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Mike Enzi of Wyoming. The Baucus proposal reflected many of their priorities, chief among them the decision not to include a government-run plan to compete with private insurers.

Under the Baucus plan, health-insurance exchanges, with information on different plans and prices, would allow small groups and individuals to buy policies at lower rates. Medicaid would be expanded to cover more low-income people. Nonprofit cooperatives would be established as an alternative to for-profit insurance companies. Tax credits would allow low- and middle-income Americans to buy private coverage.

The package would cost under $900 billion over 10 years.

M.J.F. Insurance Agency, Inc.

M.J.F. is licensed in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Florida to sell Property & Casualty and Personal Lines coverages.

Life, Health, Disability, Annuities, A.F.L.A.C, Umbrella, Professional Liability,Event Insurance, Bonds, auto,home,Flood, RV,s Motorcyle, ATV and a wide range of coverages  for your business. Please call us at 866-983-8726 for a quote, if the coverage you need isn't listed please call and we will be glad to assist you..


Monday, September 7, 2009

Online Defensive Driver Classes For N.Y.& N.J. Drivers

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class

M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.

New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Govorner Patterson Enacts New Auto Laws

ALBANY -- Beginning Nov. 1, texting while driving and the use of other portable electronic devices while behind the wheel will be illegal.

Gov. David Paterson announced Thursday that he signed legislation to ban text-messaging while driving, a practice that has led to deadly automobile accidents involving teens in recent years.

"The risks associated with texting while driving are well documented," he said in a statement. "As we learn more and more about just how dangerous this practice can be, I urge all New Yorkers to drive with caution and get in the habit of putting their cell phones away while driving to protect their own lives and the lives of others."

The texting ban is one of 68 bills the governor signed this week. He vetoed 14 bills that would have cost the state more than $5.4 million.

Under the law that prohibits texting while behind the wheel, drivers will only receive fines for using portable electronic devices if they are pulled over for violating another law. The maximum fine is $150.

Seventeen states -- not including New York -- and the District of Columbia have laws that prohibit texting while driving, although several do not take effect until later in the year, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. Nine states ban the practice for new drivers.
The new law also includes measures aimed at making teens safer drivers. It requires 30 additional supervised driving hours before new drivers can take a road test and reduces from two to one the number of passengers under 21 allowed in a vehicle with a new driver when a supervising adult is not present. Those sections of the law take effect immediately.

A number of high-profile cases of teens losing their lives in connecting with texting and driving helped spur the Senate and Assembly to pass legislation.

* In June 2007, five teenage girls from Perinton, Monroe County, died in a car crash.

* In December 2007, 20-year-old A.J. Larson of West Seneca, Erie County, was sending a text message and rolled through a stop sign and into the path of a garbage truck.

* This spring, 22-year-old Brandie Conklin of Eden, Erie County, had been text messaging her boyfriend when she crashed into a truck and died.

The texting-while-driving ban comes eight years after New York prohibited hand-held use of cell phones while driving.

Other bills signed into law by the governor this week include:

* Requiring that all residential dwellings, regardless of construction or sale date, be outfitted with a carbon monoxide detector. Amanda's Law, as it's called, is named after Amanda Hansen, a 16-year-old from West Seneca who died Jan. 17, 2009 from carbon monoxide poisoning because of a defective boiler. She was sleeping over at a friend's house at the time.
The law takes effect in 180 days.

* Requiring that all children under 8 to be in child restraint systems while riding in automobiles. Currently, children 4 through 6 have to be in special booster seats, as are children under 4 who weigh more than 40 pounds. The law takes effect in 90 days.

* Requiring utility corporations, energy-service companies, municipalities, telephone companies and cable television providers to provide large-print versions of billing statements if requested by a consumer.

* Eliminating the use of the term "oriental" in documents used by state agencies, public authorities and municipalities when referring to people of Asian or Pacific Islander heritage.

Paterson vetoed legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, D-Greenburgh, Westchester County, that would have established a War of 1812 200th anniversary commemoration commission. The state would have paid about $2.25 million over five years for the commission, based on the cost of similar commemoration panels in New York, the governor wrote in his veto.
The governor wrote that he supported the objectives of the bill, "But we do a great disservice to the people of this state if we fail to consider how we can meet these important obligations without exacerbating the current fiscal crisis."
Some of New York's War of 1812 historic sites are planning anniversary events, and more will likely do as 2012 draws closer, Paterson said. He is directing his staff to work with relevant state agencies to develop a framework for coordinating commemorative activities, he said.

Online Defensive Driver Classes for New York and New Jersey Drivers

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class

M.J.F. offers through its website defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.

New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why Hagerty For Your Classic and Antique Cars?

MJF is an authorized Hagerty Representative. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment please call 866-983-8726. MJF is licensed in five states. NY,NJ,CT,FL,and PA

Hagerty's one-of-a-kind benefits not only set us apart from standard insurance companies, but other specialty companies as well. Each of our policy features is based on our own personal experiences as collectors and on feedback we've received from fellow collectors at hundreds of car show and events all across the country.

Hagerty Collector Auto Policy Features

Low Premiums

Our rates are drastically lower than standard. For example: The standard rate on a '65 Mustang could hit $800/year. Hagerty's average premium on the same car? Just $150. And that's with full coverage - including liability.

Agreed Value Coverage

Better by far than ACV or Stated Value. In case of a total loss, your clients will receive the full amount for which they insured their vehicle.

No Deductible

In most states, your client pays nothing if he/she has a claim with a Hagerty – covered collector vehicle. We do, however, offer deductible options.

Single Liability Charge

No matter how many vehicles on a policy, your clients only pay a single liability charge.

Flexible Usage

Drivers can enjoy their classics with comfortable limits. A Hagerty policy allows for an occasional leisure drive, not just to parades or car events.

Hagerty Plus Membership

Your clients have the opportunity to join the nation's largest community of collector car enthusiasts, enjoy guaranteed flatbed roadside assistance, a quarterly magazine and more. Learn more.

In-House Claims Department

To guarantee every claim is handled by a collector insurance expert, the majority of claims are handled in-house, 7 days a week.

Repair Shop of YOUR Choice

Hagerty clients take their cars to their repair shop of choice.

Restoration Coverage

Protects your client's classic and its increasing value during an active restoration project.

Instant New Purchase Coverage

Unplanned purchases up to $50,000 receive immediate coverage on an existing Hagerty policy.

Business Use Endorsement

Collectors may use their cars for specific business or commercial uses for specified time frames.

Auto Show Medical Reimbursement

Offers predetermined medical coverage for your clients and their families when injured during an auto show or similar car related event.

Overseas Shipping/Foreign Touring Coverage

Hagerty can provide special coverage for vehicle(s) during overseas transit including cargo shipping, foreign liability and property damage. We can also coordinate coverage during your client's stay abroad.

Club Liability Program

Protect a club and its members from potential lawsuits, while enjoying the same great service and low rates enjoyed by all Hagerty clients.

Motorcycle Safety Equipment Coverage

This feature includes coverage of spare parts.

Additional Coverage

Hagerty can provide additional coverage for automobilia (collectible items linked to motor vehicles), automotive tools and spare parts—all items that go hand-in-hand with the collector vehicle hobby.

All coverages are not available in all states. This is only a general description of coverage. All coverage is subject to policy provisions, exclusions, and endorsements.

Advantages of Providing an A.F.L.A.C. Plan For Your Business

Why Aflac?

In times of financial uncertainty, lowering costs while maintaining the quality of your small business is key. When it comes to finding a cost-efficient way to provide your employees with the benefits they need, Aflac can help. By making Aflac insurance policies available along with your major medical insurance, you can give your employees the kind of benefits they’d expect from a bigger company, on a small business budget.

Here's how you benefit:

Policies are 100 percent employee-paid, so there is no direct cost to your company.

Employee participation can lower taxable income and may reduce your overall share of FICA and FUTA taxes when premiums are paid with pre-tax dollars.

Aflac complements current HSA/HDHP arrangements by offering compatible plans.

Aflac helps attract and retain employees.

Aflac is designed to be easily administered, which means you’ll have more time to focus on running your business.

Aflac insurance complements your major medical insurance, to help you create a more attractive employee benefits package.

Here's how your employees benefit too:

Our policies are designed to provide cash benefits to your employees if they become injured or sick.

Employees are paid directly (unless they choose otherwise), usually within four days, to help cover expenses, such as rent and child care, and expenses not covered by major medical insurance, such as copayments and deductibles.

With Aflac policies, there are no deductibles, copayments, doctor networks, or pre-authorization requirements.

Premiums can be paid with pre-tax dollars through a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan.
To schedule and appointment call 866-983-8726. WE write in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Florida

Can My Credit Score Affect My Homeowners Premium

It pays to have a good credit history. Case in point: Homeowner insurance companies tend to give their better rates and terms to consumers who pay their bills and loans, in full, on time. A number of homeowner insurers weigh your credit history in making underwriting decisions, confirms Selective Insurance spokeswoman Cynthia B. Heismeyer who explains why.

"Insurance scores, based partially or wholly on your credit information, help insurers assess risk and charge the appropriate rate based upon that level of risk," observes Heismeyer, Selective Insurance`s assistant vice president of corporate communications.

"Statistically, it has been proven that people with poor insurance scores are more likely to file a claim," notes Heismeyer. "Historically, homeowners rates had been based on the characteristics of the structure itself. The insurance industry is now shifting the focus to include characteristics of the occupants, and insurance scores are one of those factors."

Heismeyer says that a credit-based "insurance score" from a consumer`s credit report is used to predict how often he or she is likely to file claims, and/or how expensive those claims will be. Heismeyer indicates that studies by insurance regulators, universities, independent auditors and insurance companies all have shown that an individual's credit history is a proven, strong indicator of how likely that person is to file a future claim.

Here are some basic facts about credit-based insurance scores, according to the Insurance Information Institute, of New York:

•They allow insurers to charge lower premiums to customers who are better risks.

•These types of scores are totally objective and "blind" - insurance scores never factor in a consumer's income, race, address, marital status, age or nationality.

•They promote competition, which means more choice for consumers.

Chubb doesn`t use credit-based scores in homeowners insurance underwriting decisions, but Chubb spokesman Mark Schussel points out that his company has "other ways to determine the acceptability of a risk." Chubb goes "beyond what`s contained in the insurance application," said Schussel who then gave an example.

For instance, Schussel says, the application doesn`t provide enough detailed information about the type of materials and craftsmanship used in a home as well as specific exposures a home faces and what steps a customer has taken to mitigate those exposures. That`s why we visit many of the homes that we insure."

Credit-based insurance scores are "blind" and objective, points out Lynn Knauf, director of personal lines for the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, in Des Plaines, Ill. She stressed that credit-based insurance scores don`t consider a consumer`s race, nationality, income, marital status or location.

American Insurance Association`s Dave Snyder focused on what he described as one of the benefits of credit scores in the homeowners insurance equation. "They enable insurers to offer many more pricing levels than before," Snyder says. Citing example, Snyder noted that those with "good credit-based insurance scores can get lower premiums on their homeowners insurance than they could have, say, 10 years ago before credit scoring came to the forefront."

"The addition of credit scoring gives the homeowners insurance company a clearer idea on how to price a particular risk and in the process gives consumers assurance that they`re not paying more than they should for coverage," says Snyder, assistant general counsel for AIA in Washington, D.C.

Snyder believes that experience has shown that fiscally responsible consumers who have solid credit histories have fewer losses than those with spotty or poor financial track records. "From the insurer`s standpoint," observes Snyder, "credit information serves as an indicator as to how well a person manages financial risk. A person who keeps his finances in order tends to keep his or her home in good shape, and probably drive more safely as well. In addition, homeowners insurance losses for people with the worst credit tend to run much higher than that of consumers with the best insurance credit scores."

A final thought on credit scores comes from Safeco Insurance spokesman Paul Hollie. "Personal credit reports are available from several organizations, including Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Reviewing your credit and cleaning up inaccuracies should be an annual ritual, no different than checking on your personal retirement accounts or checking your fire alarm batteries," says Hollie.

For a Homeowners quote in NY,NJ,CT,FLA or PA MJF can be reached at 866-983-8726

Friday, September 4, 2009

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class

M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.

New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information:

What You Should Now About Workers Compensation

Here’s What You Should Know about Workers’ Compensation

Workers Compensation insurance is complex and confusing, especially for those who’ve just started their own businesses or are hiring employees for the first time.

Use these questions to determine if you need workers’ compensation insurance and to figure out how to obtain the best quotes:

Do you have employees?

If so, most states require you to obtain workers’ compensation insurance. workers’ compensation pays if a worker is injured on the job. Failure to comply may result in costly fines or lawsuits. Although requirements vary from state to state, once you hire your first employee, a business is required to obtain the insurance.

Do you conduct business across state lines?

While most states require Workers’ Compensation insurance for even one employee, other states allow up to five employees before requiring a small-business owner to obtain coverage. If you do business across state lines, you must comply with each state’s legal mandate.

Here are a few other facts to keep in mind:

• Independent contractors are exempt - usually.

• Married couples and family members might qualify. Unless a company is held in both names, hiring a family member often counts toward the number of employees.

• The type of industry might matter. Some states have different rules for different types of industries, such as contractors and construction workers.

• Keep an eye on subcontractors. Your business is ultimately responsible for any accidents or injuries that may take place on your property. Always verify that subcontractors are current on their own insurance coverage to avoid unwanted risk.

• One of the best ways to keep Workers’ Compensation rates low is to stay safe and implement a written safety policy. By keeping claims low, it is possible to reduce premiums.

For a Workers Compensation Quote please call 866-983-8726
Licensed in NY,NJ,CT,FL & PA

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tips to Buying Life Insurance

Tips to Help You Choose Life Insurance

When it comes to life insurance, opinions tend to take precedence over the facts; term life insurance is viewed as affordable, while whole life insurance is considered secure.Unfortunately, like most things in life, the actual situation is somewhat more complex.Discover the truth about whole life insurance and whether or not it is the right move for your portfolio, based on these facts.

Permanent Coverage
Unlike term life insurance, whole life policies are permanent.
Once the initial term is completed, term life coverage might actually become more expensive, whereas whole life tends to become more competitively priced over the long run.

All or Nothing
Whole life insurance offers a death benefit just like term life but also provides additional protection in the form of “cash value.” Unlike a term life policy that pays nothing unless you die, whole life policies allow you to recapture or “cash in” a portion of what you invested over the years.

Additional Savings
Another attractive feature of whole life insurance is the ability to borrow from the policy in the event you need a loan. Because a portion of the money is set aside into a savings account, whole life policies are able to provide additional funds in the event of an emergency or even serious illness.

Bottom Line
Most experts agree, if you are short on cash or need a policy for less than 10 years, term life insurance is typically the most affordable route. For those who require more than 10 years of coverage or are able to invest a larger portion of their income up front, whole life often provides valuable protection over the long term. Ask your agent for a comparative price quote demonstrating the long-term cost as well as the benefit of each policy option; you might be surprised to learn how affordable whole life insurance is when used as a financial planning tool.

Contact M.J.F. to review your current Life InsurancePolicies
866-983-8726 or at
We are licensed in N.Y, N.J., Connecticut.,Florida and Pennsylvania for all lines of business

Business Continuation Insurance -Keep Your Business Running!

Keep Your Company Running with Business Insurance

One of the most frightening aspects of running your own business is the loss of income should the unexpected happen. Fortunately, small-business owners may be able to reduce the risk of financial hardship by purchasing business income insurance.

Business income insurance helps cover the cost of putting your business back together during a major interruption due to property destruction, interruption of sales or other production issues resulting from a covered loss.

Depending upon your type of business and the level of loss sustained, business income insurance may provide the cash you need to remain in operation or get back on your feet without breaking the bank. Combined with extra expense insurance, it may even be possible to cover both your normal routine operating costs and additional expenses, including investments required to keep your business in the black.

To purchase business income insurance, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your insurance agent. Explain your desired level of coverage, including cash or other liquid reserves that could be used in the event of an emergency. Don’t forget to consider deductibles and other fees that must be paid in the event of a claim; it’s always better to have a little extra cash on hand than too little, especially during uncertain economic times.

Finally, keep in mind that business income insurance provides protection for needs related to the business itself - not individual living expenditures. If you don’t have at least six to twelve months of cash on hand for your personal reserves, be sure to ask your agent about coverage designed to help pay your monthly bills.
Coverage to Protect Your Business on the Rainiest of Days

Accidents happen - so savvy small-business owners plan for the unexpected by purchasing business umbrella insurance.

A business umbrella policy provides additional protection above and beyond the basics.It’s different from a standard business liability policy that protects you up to a given amount.
For example, if your current liability policy provides $1 million of protection but you were successfully sued for more, the umbrella policy would cover the additional amount up to the policy limit.

Business umbrella policies are an excellent way to provide protection against costly lawsuits resulting from a wide variety of potential threats. Those threats can include things such as:

• Driving accidents that result in multiple claims or extensive types of damage• Professional service errors resulting in inadvertent destruction or corruption of data• Unknown defects in workmanship or other errors that result in multiple lawsuits or claims• Other unanticipated events leading to a loss of life, property damage or other injuries
Many factors are involved in deciding on the appropriate level of business umbrella insurance to purchase, including the amount of existing coverage, industry, profitability and personal assets at stake.

Contact Michael at M.J.F. Insurance to discuss options and obtain a quote for various coverage amounts.

New York & New Jersey Online Defensive Driver Class

M.J.F. unveiled its website for online defensive driver classes in the states of New York and New Jersey on Friday August 28, 2009.

The classes are Department of Motor Vehicle approved. In New York drivers qualify for a reduction of up to 4 points on their licenses and a 10% insurance premium reduction for a total of 3 years. The N.Y. online course is newly approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The New Jersey class qualifies drivers for a mandatory insurance discount which varies by carrier and up to a 2 points removed from your license. You may take this class once every five years.

New Jersey also offers a Mature Driver program online for drivers over the age of 50. This also qualifies for a premium reduction on your auto policy.

You can go to the site for more information: